The images that are featured in my first solo show ...unattached... are now online. Please take a bit of time to check them out! The opening went beautifully... thank you so much to everyone who came! The estimates for number of guests at the opening are between 200 and 250 people! Yay!
...unattached... - Images by Talya Arbisser
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
First Solo Show
I know... I know... I've been out of touch for WAY too long. I've been working on posting pretty heavily to Facebook... but I shouldn't have left those of you who've been following me the longest out. For that I apologize.
So much has happened since February. Graduation from the International Center of Photography... a move back to Iowa... a 'long-term' project that stole my heart and so much more. The big news right now however is my first solo show. ...unattached... opens Friday, Oct. 30 from 7 - 10 pm. I am extremely excited about it! I feel bad about having neglected this blog... but I did want to make sure I shared it with you all. Today I got some very positive press in the form of one of the papers I interned for - The Quad-City Times... feel free to check out the wonderful article here I'm also including the poster for my show in this post. If any of you are in the Quad-City area in the next 2+ months I'd love to see you!

I do hope this post finds all of my readers well?! I will attempt to post more often here than I have been... but if you are on Facebook... please fan me - 'Photos By Talya'!
For now I bid you all goede nacht (goodnight) more to come soon.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Can't sleep so I'll post a favorite
It's been forever since I've posted on here, I guess because I always want to type too much when really I could just post photos. So that's what I'm going to try to do from now on... if I don't want to write anything, I will at least post recent photos every now and then. Thank you for continuing to ready my blog :-).

Here's a recent favorite I shot when I saw batman crossing 42nd street. My best to all of you who are reading this!

Also a bit of exciting news before I go, I'm working on a book to sell back home in Iowa of some of the images I made while in Amsterdam! I'll pots on here when I have it ready!
That's it for now... I should be adding more photos soon. Cheers
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