I know... I know... I've been out of touch for WAY too long. I've been working on posting pretty heavily to Facebook... but I shouldn't have left those of you who've been following me the longest out. For that I apologize.
So much has happened since February. Graduation from the International Center of Photography... a move back to Iowa... a 'long-term' project that stole my heart and so much more. The big news right now however is my first solo show. ...unattached... opens Friday, Oct. 30 from 7 - 10 pm. I am extremely excited about it! I feel bad about having neglected this blog... but I did want to make sure I shared it with you all. Today I got some very positive press in the form of one of the papers I interned for - The Quad-City Times... feel free to check out the wonderful article here I'm also including the poster for my show in this post. If any of you are in the Quad-City area in the next 2+ months I'd love to see you!

I do hope this post finds all of my readers well?! I will attempt to post more often here than I have been... but if you are on Facebook... please fan me - 'Photos By Talya'!
For now I bid you all goede nacht (goodnight) more to come soon.