School hasn't even officially started yet... and I'm already trying to see the light... We've been shooting these last couple of weeks for a scavenger hunt, and I've been attempting to use the light to my advantage to make stronger photos. Here are a few of my favorite portraits from this past week that were enhanced by light. There has been very basic photoshopping, and with the exception of the center photo no cropping.
Young girl in Central Park with her father

Quick nap on the subway to Queens (raised platform)

Snoozing on the Staten Island Ferry

I've always known that good/bad light can make or break a photo... after all photography is all about capturing light... but I feel like being around all of these creative types is really bringing out my eye for truly seeing the light before taking my images... and I find this to be an exciting time!
We finally turned in our scavenger hunt photos today... we'll be editing them down to our group favorites starting tomorrow. I decided to give my camera a rest, which maybe wasn't such a great idea, as I ended up in a situation where I really would have liked my camera (although I wonder if I would have been brave enough to pull out my massively indiscrete camera).
I was returning from hanging out with my friend Stas in Astoria (Queens) tonight, about half past 11 pm. Perhaps I watch too much Law and Order, but it was my first time walking through an outer borough, this late, without another person with me so I was a tad nervous. I quickly made the walk from his apartment to the last stop on the N/W track to board the train, which is where the trouble started. Sitting at the opposite end of the bench I sat down on was a large man carrying a bag, with a very big scar running down the side of his face. As the train started to go, he began making kissy noises towards me and making very lewd gestures whenever he caught a glimpse of me in the reflection of the window across from us. Not sure what to do, I tried my best not to look in his direction and ignore him, as I knew I would be switching trains to the 7 for my journey to Grand Central Terminal.
As I exited the N/W train I was upset to see him get up and follow me. Once on the platform, as I awaited the 7 train's arrival, I managed to signal to a woman that I was nervous. The man, who was evidently extremely drunk, tried speaking with her, incoherently, when I positioned myself on her opposite side. As he seemingly took the stairs to go to another train, I relaxed, and went over the thank the woman for getting my hint that I was nervous. Just after thanking her though, he came back, and as we boarded the 7 he followed us into the car. I got into a conversation with the woman, Barbara, as we took off towards Grand Central Terminal, and she mentioned that in the 2 months she'd been taking this route at night, she'd never run into a problem. As we talked I started to calm down. All of a sudden we hear a string of obscenities,
and as the two of us turned to see what the commotion was, we realized that one of the guys who'd been hanging out at the opposite end of the car was on top of scar face, and was to put it bluntly, pounding the crap out of my would be (creepy) suitor.
Barbara and I tried to get away from the fight, which was between us and the next car we could go to. She had the good sense to pound on the door leading to a conductor, who came out at the next stop to see what had happened. Thankfully the hitter took off, and to my relief (although probably his detriment) scar face went after him, and then the train left the station without either man on board. I tried explaining to the conductor what I had seen, and then another man came up and explained what had happened. Evidently scar face was saying pretty disgusting stuff about the other guy's group in Spanish, not realizing that those in the group actually spoke Spanish... oops!
After the melee was over, and we had told our stories, we pulled ourselves together as we got into Manhattan. Lucky for me Barbara lives not far from me so we walked most of the way home together... but as we were getting off the train, despite being fairly shook up, all I could say was how much I wish I'd had my camera!
OK... it's 2:40 am here... obviously it's been an exciting night but I really need to catch some ZZZZZs. For a pleasant last image I'll leave you with a photo of the reason I'm most excited to be in NY... I'll be able to see my adorable nephew Meir a lot more often and watch him grow!

Lilah Tov,
1 comment:
Scary. You need to be careful!
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